Who is behind Connecta?

Connecta is an initiative of the Alpega Group. Alpega Group is a leading global logistics Software Company that offers end to end solutions that cover all transport needs, including Transport Management Services (TMS) and Freight Exchanges.

The Transport Management Systems (TMS) software solutions, inet, Transwide and TAS, connect companies to a broad network of logistics providers and digitize their complex supply chain management. The systems provide live visibility over incoming and outgoing logistics and seamlessly link truck drivers and logistics providers with shippers. The three freight exchanges known as Teleroute, Wtransnet and 123cargo serve as marketplaces for matching spot shipments and capacities.

With a community of more than 200,000 users connected electronically everyday to successfully manage critical transportation processes, Alpega is present in 80 countries worldwide and employs more than 500 people of different countries and backgrounds.